Outcome of UKnight Vs. Knights of Columbus — 2019 Lawsuit

What Happened With UKnight’s 2018-2019 Lawsuit Against the Knights of Columbus? In 2018, the Colorado-based tech company UKnight Interactive filed a lawsuit against the Knights of Columbus (KofC). The KofC is the biggest Catholic fraternal organization, and one of the largest fraternal-benefit societies of any kind, in the world. UKnight made a number of sweeping …

Is Life Insurance Biblical?

Should Christians — including Catholics! — even have life insurance? What, if anything, does the Bible say? Proverbs 13 In the Catholic New American Bible, Revised Edition (NABRE), Proverbs 13:22b reads: “The good leave an inheritance to their children’s children…”. Now there is no question that the Bible treats the word “inheritance” in numerous ways. …

For Many, Money Troubles Mean Public Over Catholic Schools

The local publication Catholic St. Louis disclosed that, in the Greater-St.-Louis area, over one-third (37%) of primary-school-aged kids attend Catholic school. This figure, while arguably lower than in years past, is still almost three times (3x) higher than the national average (13%). The numbers are comparable for high schoolers (31% here, versus 10% nationwide). This …

Knights of Columbus: Catholic Life Insurance in St. Louis

The Knights of Columbus (KofC), founded by a Catholic priest in 1882, is one of the major fraternal-benefit societies in the world. Did you know that it is also a highly rated, Fortune-1000 company? And, as it happens, the organization has a large presence in the St.-Louis-Metro Area. At a Glance, Globally The KofC has …

Where Can You Get Catholic Insurance in St. Louis, MO?

There are several Catholic-oriented insurance providers, and a few of them have a presence in the Greater St.-Louis area. Let’s briefly run through each option, in alphabetical order. Catholic Benevolent Legion It was founded in New York around 1881. Since 1969, this Catholic organization has been a part of the Knights of Columbus. (See further …

What Is ‘Guaranteed-Issue’ Life Insurance?

Did you know that you might be able to obtain life-insurance coverage on yourself or a loved one even if there is a history of serious medical conditions or a terminal illness? What is “guaranteed-issue” life insurance? This question is probably best answered by comparing and contrasting this sort of life-insurance coverage against what it …

What Is ‘Catholic Insurance’? Is There Such a Thing?

Is there a specific thing known as “Catholic insurance”? If so, what is it? In order to answer the question, we have to make sure that we’re clear on what we are actually talking about. What Catholic Insurance Isn’t So, the basic principle of insurance is risk transfer. You “insure” against a loss because you …